Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Here Comes Socialism, America.

Bye, Bye Capitalism...we loved you, you helped make us the greatest country in the history of the world, if I may borrow that from Sean Hannity. But you know Capitalism, you just don't cut it anymore. We can't be bothered with allowing people to fail, allowing the weak and poorly run industries to be replaced with bigger and better...it just wouldn't be right. It's every single person's God-given right, or if you don't believe in God, just their right, to succeed regardless of how little they do or contribute.

Folks, people have been accusing the Republican's VP nominee selection Sarah Palin of being a part of a movement in Alaska that wanted to see them succeed from the Union. While this is a false accusation, I'd almost applaud her for wanting there. And there was an actual possibility of Montana succeeding from the Union if the Supreme Court had allowed the Second Amendment to be essentially null and void. That's because Montana's "contract" with the United States when they joined the Union was that the United States would not restrict the laws that Montana had on the books when they joined. One of those laws was that they specifically believed that the Second Amendment, and the term of the disputable word militia, meant every citizen. So if the Supreme Court would have came down on the other side of that Second Amendment case this summer, Montana would have been allowed to consider their contract with the United States, to be part of the Union, null and void.

Here, Here, for people not wanting the fundamentals of this country changed. And that's exactly what's going to happen if we continue to stand idly by.

In case you didn't know, the United States Government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac this weekend. Anyone with common sense would have seen this coming. They have always been, while not explicitly, backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. So whey they stood up and said, "Sure, we'll buy all those failing loans from banks and mortgage companies", it was inevitable that those bad loans would remain bad and would eventually cause the collapse of the two companies. Folks, were talking TRILLIONS of dollars of bad debt that the US Government just took under it's wing. But where's that TRILLIONS of dollars going to come from? The tax payers, of course. Enjoy that home that I just bought you John Doe...sure you can't pay for it, but the Government is going to make sure that you get to stay in it.

So, Mad Hoosier, you may say, it's just the home loans. Sure the Trillions of dollars is going to hurt, but we can't kick people out of their homes and into the street. While that last part is true enough, it certainly didn't have to come to this, and if you think that this "Nationalization" movement starts and ends with home loans/banking, you're mistaken.

Just today, the "big three" automakers came out and said that they are looking at very difficult times. You should read that to mean, "We want a bailout too". And airlines...you think the Government is going to let them fail?? And the Democrats already have a growing movement to "Nationalize" oil companies. Let us not forget Health Care that WILL BE NATIONALIZED if/when Barack Obama and the Democratic majority House AND Senate take office next year.

So let's take a step back. Government is on the verge of running housing loans (can the banking industry in general be far behind). Bailouts for Transportation (auto and airline) are very real possibilities...so they will want to run those industries, to some extent at least. If no majority is around to oppose it, government will run Oil(and you can assure that all this new Clean Technology that everyone speaks of when talking about energy, will be run by the Government under Obama).

So if Government is running or has their hands all over, Banking, Transportation, Energy, and Health Care...how is that not Socialism?????

This is not all crazy speculation by a crazy Indiana boy. This is all very real possibilities. And the current Do-Nothing-Congress, will continue to do nothing, by design, until after the elections...because they know that having control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives...they can shove through any kind of legislation they want.

It is a dire time, and America as we know it could very well change dramatically very soon. What I do know, is that the Founding Fathers created a document that was meant to stand the test of time, and they DID NOT want the Government running everything.

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