Friday, September 14, 2007

MY God

I've caught myself in the past saying, "My God, yadda, yadda, yadda." For example: "My God doesn't allow homosexual marriage." I happen to not agree with that statement, but I wanted to give you a full understanding of what I was referring to when I said "My God".

I have come to realize how narcisistic that sounds, and am trying to better articulate any phrase that I'd say "My God" whenever I can. But everyone should realize that when I say, "My God", I'm not suggesting that My God is better than your God. I'm not even suggesting that My God is different than Your God. In fact, I believe quite the opposite.

I believe that there is one universal Creator that is known by many names. To me, He is God. To others, He could be Allah. I view Him to be one in the same. He loves us all dearly. He cares not what we call Him, only that we do call Him, and that we love Him with all our soul.

I believe that we all should have a personal relationship with God. When I say personal relationship, I obviously mean a relationship in which you pray to God regularly. But more than that, a personal relationship encompasses your specific belief in God that allows you to worship him. It matters not what others think of the Lord's origin's, only what you believe.

For instance, some believe that Jesus was born in a manger on Christmas morn and died on the cross. Others believe that Jesus, born from the line of David, would have been wealthy, would have had plenty of lodging options available, and survived the crusifiction.

I sit here and ask myself if God would want me haggling over how others worship him and his Son, or does God want me to be more focused on my relationship with him? My God, referring to the God I know through my personal relationship with Him, wants me to stay focused on my love for Him and He wants me to love the rest of His children here on earth for who they are.

Perhaps I'm a little crazy, but two important and well known phrases, "do unto others..." and "love thy neighbor..." encompass that philosophy nicely. If only all Believers could focus as much energy on their relationship with God as they do chastizing, hating, and persecuting his children that may be a little different from them...If Only.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I will never forget.

This day hits me pretty hard each year. This year the pain is a little deeper because I watched a Glen Beck segment about how Osama Bin Laden met with some "leaders" in Saudi Arabia asking how many American children he could kill. That was promptly followed with reports of missing school busses and fears of coordinated efforts on schools. That was coupled with speculation on Bin Laden's recent video in which he appeared "presentable", having a trimmed and dyed beard and speculation on what his message meant.

My kids will be entering school soon, and it's sad to think that politicians seem to have lost sight of the big picture.

I'm honestly too somber now to follow that up with any thoughts, feelings, or suggestions, so I will just say, God Bless America...please watch over our troops and keep them safe. Please guide us all, and particularly our nations leaders, to serve you to the best of our ability.