Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Confessions of a Night Auditor...

Here we are...nearly three months to the day since my last post...making a confession about my current profession. I'm not really proud of what I do, sad to say...it's not at all what I envisioned for my life. I pictured myself in some mid-level management position at a large company, with company golf outings and holiday vacations. I had no desire to climb the corporate ladder, as I have always had a strong sense of commitment towards personal life and wanting to be there with my family, but I knew that I had solid business/management skills, so something mid-level seemed natural.

But somewhere along the line, before I even really entered the workforce, the mid-level manager started to become obsolete and big companies, well, they aren't as big any more. Alas, the corporate world that I saw my father thrive in and enjoy became non-existant. I have recently became down-right disgusted with the corporate world, but I will save those reasons and insights for future posts, as I begin to exlore what happened to "my America"...the America that found it ok to call it "Christmas break" rather than "winter break".

So back to my current profession/place in life. As I sit here, waiting for guests to come down and start complaining about something, part of me wonders where I went wrong. Why did I borrow $20,000 from the government just to work as a Night Auditor? Why did I leave Charles Schwab to move closer to home? Often times, I just don't get it, do my mangers not have any business sense at all? Do they even give a shit about their employees? Why do I subject myself to this sometimes degrading job, dealing with drunks that want to know we don't have porn pay-per-views?

But just in time, my wife meets me as I am getting off work and gives me our daughters. You see, we moved closer to home recently...that means that my mother-in-law watches my daughters one day a week, and I get them the rest of the time. I know that nothing can replace the fun I have with them, the time we spend, and the peace of mind we have knowing that we don't have to wonder if some unsuspecting baby-sitter is near giving our infant shaken-baby syndrom. Nothing replaces that...NOTHING...but still...when I look at the bills as we are scraping by, or when someone asks what I do for a living, I still feel embarrased to be a night auditor.

Why has it been so long since I have posted you may ask? Well, we have been in the process of trying to find a new home...which we will move into over the weekend...what a fiasco that has been. I have also been trying to start a new company of late, but if I'm being honest, the main reason I have been severly slack on my blog is due to football.

You see, besides being a HUGE Bears fan, I am becoming somewhat of a fantasy football freak...I'm getting nuts...here's how nuts...I play the free version that Yahoo puts out...each Yahoo ID gets 4 teams...I have a good 15 Yahoo ID's, each with 4 teams. For those of you not good at math...and yes I lump me in there too because I used a calculator to make sure I was right...that's 60 teams that I play each week. That's just Nuts! If you or your loved ones are anything near that...STOP...just STOP...it's not healthy.

That said, I can't stop now...so you now see why I have been so slack on my blog...I will try to post more somewhat frequently throughout the rest of football season, then I will return to a more normal posting frequency.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and has a happy holidays. And I say happy holidays to encompass several holidays that are celebrated over the next month or so, not out of fear of offending someone by saying Merry Christmas...but that's a whole other blood boiling post. :)