Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Liberals, Where Are You???

If you are a liberal, or liberal-leaning person and you haven't publicaly condemned President Obama for the address he is going to make to school kids in a few hours...go ahead and push yourself away from the computer, get into your car, drive to the nearest tattoo parlor, and brand yourself with the word "Hypocrite" somewhere on your body. I prefer the forehead, or at least some place visible.

Why? You know why.

Because if you can sit there and say that you wouldn't be up in arms if President Bush, or if McCain had won Vice-President Palin, were going to address school lids, you're lying and you're fooling yourself into believing that you have some modicum of fairness in your body.

So...if you are a liberal and have concerns about a politician giving a speech to elementary school kids, or if you have taken a step back and realized that you'd be mortified if George Bush or Sarah Palin were going to address elementary school kids...then kudos...you're consistent.

Let's say we leave politics out of the hands of 8-year-olds, hmmm? Any address to school kids is over the line, even the seemingly large scaled back version the President plans to deliver. Let parents be responsible for teaching their kids the importance of a good education. And for goodness sake, let's NOT tell them that their education will dictate the future of our country. Aren't they under enough pressure and stress as it is? Let's let kids be kids. Let them learn...and worry about duty to country when the mature.