Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Liberals, Where Are You???

If you are a liberal, or liberal-leaning person and you haven't publicaly condemned President Obama for the address he is going to make to school kids in a few hours...go ahead and push yourself away from the computer, get into your car, drive to the nearest tattoo parlor, and brand yourself with the word "Hypocrite" somewhere on your body. I prefer the forehead, or at least some place visible.

Why? You know why.

Because if you can sit there and say that you wouldn't be up in arms if President Bush, or if McCain had won Vice-President Palin, were going to address school lids, you're lying and you're fooling yourself into believing that you have some modicum of fairness in your body.

So...if you are a liberal and have concerns about a politician giving a speech to elementary school kids, or if you have taken a step back and realized that you'd be mortified if George Bush or Sarah Palin were going to address elementary school kids...then kudos...you're consistent.

Let's say we leave politics out of the hands of 8-year-olds, hmmm? Any address to school kids is over the line, even the seemingly large scaled back version the President plans to deliver. Let parents be responsible for teaching their kids the importance of a good education. And for goodness sake, let's NOT tell them that their education will dictate the future of our country. Aren't they under enough pressure and stress as it is? Let's let kids be kids. Let them learn...and worry about duty to country when the mature.


Rocketstar said...

Hey nice to see you back posting.

"Because if you can sit there and say that you wouldn't be up in arms if President Bush,... were going to address school lids, you're lying ... you have some modicum of fairness in your body."
--- For myself, (an independent thinker who is socially left and monetarliy right) I disagree 100%. If W would have done this, I would have made my decision the same way as I am today, based off of the content of the speech nothing else. Niether Obama or Bush should politicize a speech to our public schools and as long as they didn’t do that and the message was a positive one, why would I mind if they gave a positive speech to our youth.

Maybe the right wing is seeing that they are becoming OVERLY reactionary to ANYTHING Obama does and are projecting their behavior onto the other side ;o)

"Let parents be responsible for teaching their kids the importance of a good education. And for goodness sake, let's NOT tell them that their education will dictate the future of our country. Aren't they under enough pressure and stress as it is? Let's let kids be kids. Let them learn...and worry about duty to country when the mature."

-- I actually think this country has let too much pressure off of the importance of education and yes, their education does have a direct impact on the future of this country. Education is one of the most important aspects to a countries success; it is what made this country the greatest country the world has ever seen. My girls are only 4 and 5 and I already talk about how important school and education are, I don’t stress them out or anything but I do always speak to how important it is for them. Have you read the speech, I think it is a good point to make to all of our students. This country has fallen behind many others in education and it is time we do something about it. I’m not saying this is the answer but I like the message he is sending.

The Mad Hoosier said...

I think you're being a tad disingenuous, Rocket, when you say that it wouldn't bother you if a politician would give a speech to elementary kids. If it were Sarah Palin giving a speech, you'd have a high-speed-come-apart. Your disdain for Sarah Palin is well documented. It's no stretch at all, judging by the comments you have made about her, to say that you'd be "OVERLY reactionary to ANYTHING" she did. In fact, you have been OVERLY reactionary to EVERYTHING she did....as a Governor and possible VP. Would that have suddenly stopped if she were indeed VP?

I haven't read his speech, only saw an excerpt in which he speaks about them having an impact on the future of our country. That is because this is a principled stance that shouldn't be open to cherry-picking what may or may not be acceptable to say. The politicizing of ELEMENTARY age kids is ridiculous...plain and simple.

But don't take my word for it. Here's what Dick Gephardt had to say back in 1991 when George Bush the elder wanted to do what Obama is doing today. "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertizing for the President. It should be helping us produce smarter student."

If Mr. Gephardt doesn't hold the same position today, he's a Hypocrite, period.

It's also interesting to note the difference between the speech he gives, which may very well be a glorified PSA, and the desired intent, as noted by specific requirements of students prior to the initial outrage that caused him to change things. One "assignment" had students making pledges as to how they were going to serve the President. Not serving the country...serving the President. This country was founded on the principle that we are a respector of laws and offices...not men. That's a monarchy. I'll ask again, rhetorically of course, would you like your children making pledges to Sarah Palin???

Aside from the politicizing of education...another worrisome is the audience. We're not talking about Seniors in High School here. We're talking about Kindergarteners - 6th Graders.

How about we let kids worry about learing to read and write before we dump the weight of the very outcome of our nation on their shoulders?? How about we let teachers focus on educating kids about the expectations of High School before we tell them that they need to be thinking about a career??

The President has plenty of visibility avenues at his disposal. If he wants to give a PSA about the importance of staying in school, comandeer NBC for an after school special where parents are at least a little more in control of what they want their kids to get out of the message, rather than cornering them in school when many parents are unable to attend and balance the message if necessary.

Rocketstar said...

I think you're being a tad disingenuous, Rocket, when you say that it wouldn't bother you if a politician would give a speech to elementary kids. If it were Sarah Palin giving a speech, you'd have a high-speed-come-apart. Your disdain for Sarah Palin is well documented.
-- I do dislike Sarah Palin’s thoughts and ideas very much but I am being 100% honest here, if she was the Pres or VP and wanted to give a speech that encouraged our youth to stay in school and work hard etc… I would be all for it, what is the harm? Seriously, I see no harm in the nations leader speaking positively about education to our kids, none.

I haven't read his speech, only saw an excerpt in which he speaks about them having an impact on the future of our country. That is because this is a principled stance that shouldn't be open to cherry-picking what may or may not be acceptable to say. The politicizing of ELEMENTARY age kids is ridiculous...plain and simple.
-- I don’t follow, how does saying that our children have an impact on this country’s future (which is correct) a political statement? Do you not think that this nations students will have a huge impact on this country’s future? I don’t get what people are scared of, seriously.

But don't take my word for it. Here's what Dick Gephardt had to say back in 1991 when George Bush the elder wanted to do what Obama is doing today. "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertizing for the President. It should be helping us produce smarter student."
-- I’d need to see his speech to comment on it.

It's also interesting to note the difference between the speech he gives, which may very well be a glorified PSA, and the desired intent, as noted by specific requirements of students prior to the initial outrage that caused him to change things. One "assignment" had students making pledges as to how they were going to serve the President.
-- Shouldn’t we all serve the President to try to make this nation the nest it can be? Isn’t the President the leader of this nation? Isn’t the Pres supposed to lead the country?

Not serving the country...serving the President. This country was founded on the principle that we are a respector of laws and offices...not men. That's a monarchy. I'll ask again, rhetorically of course, would you like your children making pledges to Sarah Palin???
--- I think you are blowing this up to be what it is not. Serving the country, serving the Pres, your worrying about semantics here. It’s about serving the nation. I think you are reading sinister intent here that does not exist. Obama is not the devil, he is not here to turn us all into Communists. Don’t listen to everything Glenn Beck says :o). Just kidding hombre. Nobody is asking students to PLEDGE Obama, he’s asking for help to try to make this country the best it can be. If Palin was the Pres and was asking the same thing, I’d be fine with it. I think the conservative view of Obama is making everyone think the worst about everything he is doing.

How about we let kids worry about learing to read and write before we dump the weight of the very outcome of our nation on their shoulders?? How about we let teachers focus on educating kids about the expectations of High School before we tell them that they need to be thinking about a career??
-- I have one kid in kindergarten, do you really think she’ll have the weight of the nation on her shoulders? I think kids do need to realize that they are in control of their lives and the future of this country as a whole. He didn’t say each and every one of you need to save the world, it was said in the collective sense. I can’t imagine even one kid coming home and saying or feeling that they are fully responsible for the future of this country. Again, I think this is a mole hill into a mountain, seriously.

The Mad Hoosier said...

By needing to see Bush's speech, and by approving of Obama's speech based on it's content...what I hear you saying is that you're ok with the Government "being in your bedroom", as long as you approve of the message. It's a slippery slope, that's for sure, but more power to ya if you feel that way.

Like I said, if he wants to speak to High Schoolers to tell them that school's cool, they need to pick a career so they can get out and start paying taxes to fund the ever increasing government, etc....that's one thing. Addressing elementary school kids to tell them to stay in school, doesn't seem to hold water to me.

For me...President Obama can worry about running the country, bankrupting the country with Nationalized Healthcare, whatever...just leave my kids alone and let me raise them....which certainly includes their education needs.

Rocketstar said...

By needing to see Bush's speech, and by approving of Obama's speech based on it's content...what I hear you saying is that you're ok with the Government "being in your bedroom", as long as you approve of the message.
--- Well, i need to see Bush's speech to know what it contains to create my opinion, so it is based on the content of the speech not my bias of Bush himself. How does being ok with the Pres of the US giving a speech about the importance of education to our nations children have anything to do with my bedroom, I just don't get it. What are we so concerned with?

Like I said, if he wants to speak to High Schoolers to tell them that school's cool, they need to pick a career so they can get out and start paying taxes to fund the ever increasing government, etc....that's one thing. Addressing elementary school kids to tell them to stay in school, doesn't seem to hold water to me.
-- I see it as nothing but a positive message to any school kid, stay in school and education is VERY important to you and your country. I am seriously amazed at the ferver this has caused.

Rocketstar said...

Have you read the speech yet? I'd like to see what you object to in the speech. Laura Bush, Gingrich and Carl Rove have all said they have nothing against this speech at all.

Obama speaking about personal responsibility in regards to education, an old Rep talking point.

The Mad Hoosier said...

I take it that you understand that "get out of my bedroom" is a euphemism for "stay out of my life". It doesn't literally mean, "please stop watching my wife and I fornicate". So when the President of the United States is trying to assume the role of a parent, which is something that this government wants to do, that constitutes as meddling in my life, and to that I say, No Thanks! Regardless of how innocent a particular message may seem.

I saw Newt Gingrich, Carl Rove, and Laura Bush's opinions. I even listened to Glenn Beck say that he didn't have a problem with the speech.

I think the lot of them are wrong. They are not looking at the principle of having a politician, President or otherwise, telling 1st Graders to straighten up and take responsibility for their lives. 1ST GRADERS!!!!!!! IS THE WORLD INSANE??? How can people not have a problem with someone else telling their children to know their role???

But they aren't looking at that...they, just like you, are looking at one specific speech, and basing their opinion on a case by case basis. That amounts to shades of grey, instead of black and white/right and wrong. Politicians and governments should not be operating in shades of grey...they need to be operating within the fullest confines of the law/right and wrong.

So you say you're judging on the content of the speech, what you are doing is operating on a case by case basis. When you run things on a case by case basis, you have nothing solid to peg principles to. Everything is relative, and Your principles are flapping in the wind, ready to change at a moment's notice.

Having said that, I did try to read the speech...I just couldn't get through it. I don't need anyone "preaching" personal responsibility to my kids. That's my job as a parent to teach personal responsibility.

And yes, Personal Responsibility is a Republican talking point. I just didn't realize they endorsed that they'd be the ones teaching their idea of personal responsibility, rather than letting the parents teach personal responsibility.

I guess that's what it all boils down to. OF COURSE education is a good and important thing. OF COURSE an educated citizenry is vital to the future of our country. OF COURSE personal responsibility is at the core of a solid eduction. It's the supplier of the message that bothers me..."I'm the decider" on what values my kids learn...not the US Government.

Rocketstar said...

I take it that you understand that "get out of my bedroom" is a euphemism for "stay out of my life". It doesn't literally mean, "please stop watching my wife and I fornicate".
-- LOL, but some people like that, I do not ;o) I think of it as I want the government out of my ‘personal’ life, not my life in general as they do play a part in that.

But they aren't looking at that...they, just like you, are looking at one specific speech, and basing their opinion on a case by case basis. That amounts to shades of grey, instead of black and white/right and wrong. Politicians and governments should not be operating in shades of grey...they need to be operating within the fullest confines of the law/right and wrong.
-- I think life has many things that are shades of grey and some things that are B&W

So you say you're judging on the content of the speech, what you are doing is operating on a case by case basis. When you run things on a case by case basis, you have nothing solid to peg principles to. Everything is relative, and Your principles are flapping in the wind, ready to change at a moment's notice.
-- You use your principles as a guideline to judge the case by case issue/event/thing

Having said that, I did try to read the speech...I just couldn't get through it. I don't need anyone "preaching" personal responsibility to my kids. That's my job as a parent to teach personal responsibility.
-- Agree but it doesn’t hurt to have our President also say it

I guess that's what it all boils down to. OF COURSE education is a good and important thing. OF COURSE an educated citizenry is vital to the future of our country. OF COURSE personal responsibility is at the core of a solid eduction. It's the supplier of the message that bothers me..."I'm the decider" on what values my kids learn...not the US Government.
-- I understand what you are saying.

The Mad Hoosier said...

You're right...it doesn't hurt to have our President say it...just do it in the appropriate forum and/or to the appropriate audience.

I'm all for some sort of PSA after school. But if he does HAVE to infiltrate our schools...then at least limit to High Schools.

Leave my kids alone, and let me teach my 1st grader personal responsibility. My 1st Grader should be saying, "I want to do good in school because my Daddy wants me to do good"....not "because my President wants me to do good." I don't need that kind of underminding of my influence as a parent from the President of the United States.

Rocketstar said...

Where are the liberals? Where is the mad hoosier?

Hope all is well man.

Anon said...
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