Thursday, April 30, 2009


Arrogance is the reason given by people throughout the world for their disdain of the United States. Nevermind our kindness in rushing aid to war torn countries, aid to earthquake ravaged nations, aid to diseased continents, aid to the very countries that hate us. It's our arrogance that people focus on.

It's our "Arrogance" that our President is trying to change in the eyes of the rest of the world.

The greatest country in the history of the world, the shimmering city on the hill, the country that all others look to emulate......there's reason for a certain amount of "arrogance" as long as we remain true to our humble origins as displayed in our overwhelming generosity throughout this country.

Yet it's our Arrogance that remains, despite extreme measures taken to change outward appearances, that will be our downfall.

For we believe that because we are the United States, things that fail miserably fail elsewhere will easily succeed here. Universal Health Care is a travesty in Canada and England. High court justices in those countries agree that while there is universal coverage, there is NOT access. Canadians have to wait 4 months the even see a specialist doctor!! The British stack patients in Emergency Rooms so much so that Ambulances sometimes wait for hours just to offload a patient!!!

But noooo....we'll be able to do it, no problem, right? Nevermind that those countries function partially because they have the United States to be the one innovate in the health care field. There's no innovation in Universal Health Care countries. Are we planning on farming out medical innovation to India now too???

Government run transportation...or more specifically the automotive industry. Has anyone seen a Russian made car? Everyone in that country must have someone in the family who is a mechanic to even keep their cars on the road. Their cars are like something out of the 1970's. There's no technology. There's no safety standards. It's the government that's making the cars, they don't need safety standards the safety is implied, right?

Cap and Trade?? Seriously?? It's a joke in Europe. They've used it for years. The system is corrupt and it has done nothing to affect global warming...even temperatures throughout Europe. But someone our Cap and Trade is going to work? Somehow this tax, which is what it really's a tax on companies who create energy who will then pass that tax on to their consumers...isn't going to filter it's way down to us and raise our expenses???

Does our government really think that these proven and time tested systems...proven to fail...are suddenly going to start working just because it's the United States?????

The answer is...Yes...yes they do. Because they are too out of touch with reality...too think otherwise.


Rocketstar said...

Welcome back Mad Hoosier

The greatest country in the history of the world, the shimmering city on the hill, the country that all others look to emulate......there's reason for a certain amount of "arrogance" as long as we remain true to our humble origins as displayed in our overwhelming generosity throughout this country.
-- We should show pride, not arrogance (if arrogance is what we show)

But noooo....we'll be able to do it, no problem, right?
-- Can’t we do it right? I think we can, why couldn’t we? I think our nation could do anything we really wanted to do. It may not be a fully gov. run program but there should be a way to mix the two for a successful solution.

P.S. – I assume I won’t be getting an answer to my petri dish vs the 7 year odl child question…. ;o)

The Mad Hoosier said...

-- Can’t we do it right? I think we can, why couldn’t we? I think our nation could do anything we really wanted to do. It may not be a fully gov. run program but there should be a way to mix the two for a successful solution.

That's the arrogance I'm talking about. There's been time and time again of history showing us it doesn't work. It's definitely not mere pride that tells us we can do things that have been proven not to's well beyond pride.

There's never...ever...been a country in the history of the world that has printed money, because it's couldn't borrow it, just to spend it on some massive government program and made it to pay that debt off. Never.

Can it be done??? I guess it's possible. Is it worth risking the soverignty of our country to try it?

I say no. Why try to do something that time and time again hasn't worked. Because we can?? Eh, let's give it a shot??

That's Arrogance.

honkeie said...

Opions are like buttholes....everyone has one and 99.9% of them smell like crap. You cannt MAKE people think, believe or know anything they do not want to. Because if you could Bush would have figured it out and turned us all into Republicans.

The Mad Hoosier said...

I guess I don't really understand your point here, honkeie2. That I'm not entitled to an opinion? That my opinion is crap? That it's my opinion to try to MAKE people do something or another?

It's not my opinion that everything we are trying now has been tried in other countries and's an evidentiary statement.

It is my opinion that it's our government's Arrogance that makes them think they can succeed where others have failed.

If you have an idea, or opinion if you will, to better explain it, by all means, do share.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Wow--you really nailed it! How are you? Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, where are you?

The Mad Hoosier said...

Thanks for checking in on me Marel...just taking a bit of a break over the summer, I guess. It wasn't by design, it just kinda worked out that way. :)

Hope you had a good summer!