Saturday, August 30, 2008

Idiots wanting to lower the drinking age...

I heard, recently, about a band of college presidents wanted to lobby to get the national drinking age lowered from 21 to 18, citing that it would hinder binge drinking. It got a little national coverage, but largely was dismissed as colleges wanting to get out of lawsuits.

I dismissed it as well...until I read an article by Evansville Courier and Press staff writer, John Lucas. Lucas, whose article Discourse On Lowering Drinking Age Not Bad Idea, stacks several arguements together...finishing with the ages old, but still severely lacking, arguement of, "I did it, and I'm alive".

I'm trying like the dickens to restrain myself from personal attacks, as they never advance an arguement, so let's take a look into the issue. First at hand...who's leading the charge and what do they stand to gain by lowering the drinking age?

College Presidents are leading the charge. What do they stand to gain? Less responsibility of their students...aka less lawsuits. Let's be clear...Colleges are run like businesses...they are seeking a maximum profit and school ranking. By in large, they don't really care about the students at all. If they did, they wouldn't stack their staffs with mostly liberal leaning professors and allow students to have a wide range of knowledge and resources available to them. When I say a staff of mostly liberal professors, we aren't talking like 55-60% of the staff...we are talking 75-80% or more. There are your few exceptions, sure, but in most colleges, more than three-quarters of what they learn will be from one perspective. Does that sound like an institution invested in providing the best, most well-rounded education possible??

Is there anyone else leading the charge? Not that I know of. If they are, ironically enough, they are liberal minded. No limitations on personal when we raise a country of alcoholics, the government can pay for their healthcare to rehab them.

So back to Mr. John Lucas. The man is clearly a liberal, for in his article he a fascistic manner...that "And although teetotalers - and those of like mind who would prohibit consumption of fats, carbohydrates, nicotine, caffeine, animal pelts and pornography - are loathe to admit it, there's a certain logic to what the professors are saying."

If you don't agree with the're automatically a "teetotaler". And to link lowering the drinking age to being anti-pornography???

But the part that hit me the most is when Mr. Lucas said, "In our society, drinking alcohol is a rite of passage. It ranks right up there with getting a driver's license, smoking and having sex. Guys, especially, prove how big they are by bragging about how much they can drink..."

Well, Mr. John Lucas of Evansville's Courier and Press, none of the people I hung out with felt that way about alcohol. And IF drinking is a rite of passage, as you say, it's because you and your generation didn't stand up and condemn it. You were too weak to notice something that hindered young adults more than it helped them, and if you did, you were do weak to do something about it.

To the other "experts" that say it would prevent excess drinking in college age kids. To what cost?? At the cost of creating excess drinking to 14 year-olds who will just get the 18 year-old senior in high school to throw a kegger party. That's nice...pass the problem on to a younger generation.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trying to work through my faith (Part 1)

I have no false illusion that people are hanging on my every word, waiting to find out how I feel about faith(or anything else for that matter)...but bear with me. Much of this blog is for me, as it is for anyone else that may stumble upon it. And indeed, I think it will help me to put it all out in writing. So while this may or may not help you in your faith, whether it be to help you figure out what you think or further entrench you in your own belief, please indulge me slash ignore me.

My faith is....unconventional. It even makes my wife angry when I start to talk about anything that deviates from strict bible teachings. I haven't read the bible, at least not cover to cover, so that may automatically discount my beliefs in many people's eyes. And that's certainly makes sense. But it makes just as much sense to me (at the present time) that I don't strictly follow the bible even having not read it cover to cover. This first part, of who knows how many a part-series, will talk about my growing up in faith and my current ground works for my current beliefs...up until my first "snag" as it were.

I should start off by declaring that I unequivocally and unabashedly believe in God, though you may already know that from previous posts. I grew up in a small town in Illinois. I went to church regularly when I was little, to the First Christian Church, which I'm guessing is almost like Baptist. It was mostly at the insistence of my Mother, but I still went and learned. When I was in High School, and perhaps at the end of Junior High, I stopped Mother stopped making me. I wouldn't stay I stopped believing, in fact, I think I still prayed regularly at night, but I just stopped going to Church.

The thing was sorta like a passive belief. I believed, but partly because I was told to. I listened, however, every time my Mom would say, "Thank God for (this)" or "God did (this activity) for us" or "What if God wouldn't have put me here to help these people".

And then...I was shot in the face with a pellet gun at close range when I was in high a good friend's younger brother. The pellet tore through my cheek and slammed into one of my rear teeth. That was it. I had a hole in my cheek, but other than an aching tooth for a few weeks, I was fine.

That's when it hit me, even before my Mom ran through the scenarios over and over, God was with me that day. I could have lost an eye, shattered a cheekbone, or even been shot in the temple and died...but all I had was a hole in my cheek. Now any atheist will jump right on pure randomness and luck...and that's fine if that's how they want to explain it. To me...on that day...God, or maybe more accurately, Angels, were with me to protect me and ensure that I endured the minimum amount of pain is what could have been much, much worse. And I still believe it to this day.

THAT'S when I truly started believing. I didn't go back to church...not for years...but I could honestly say, without a shadow of doubt, that I was a Believer as of that day. The Baptists would say that was the day I was Saved, but that's something I'll touch in a bit.

So over the years, my belief has never wavered. I didn't start going to church again until my first daughter was born. And to be honest, I don't go very much now, but that's because of my work schedule.

I should disclose, before I start with my belief system, that I draw quite a bit of influence in my train of thought from Sylvia Browne. She's a psychic who gives all the praise for her gift to God. She is/was on the Montel Williams show many, many times. To watch her do her work is to watch God's glory shining brightly through earthly deeds. She is the one who started me thinking about sin, or the lack thereof, in God's eyes. Some, and perhaps even much, of my belief comes from her. But even as she always says, and the Bible does too, search for and ask questions for yourself...don't just go on blind faith of someone else's thoughts/beliefs. So while I haven't fully researched things on my own, I have certainly thought things through on my own...and here's what I'm coming up with...

So my big starter is...I don't believe in the notion of sin. I've talked about that before, but I wanted to reiterate it here and explain why I don't believe in sin, and then move on to my subsequent train of thought.

I should take a quick step back, and say why, even though the bible speaks of Sin, do I not believe in it. I am taking this from Sylvia Browne in her book, The Mystical Life of Jesus, that the Bible has been changed throughout the centuries to meet the needs of those in power. Sylvia cites examples from specific texts that I may or may not agree with (it doesn't matter), but it just makes sense to me that throughout the centuries people who want to rule and/or scare others, can easily do it through the bible, and will have it changed to fit their needs...even if not in dramatic fashion. I can't explain it...I certainly have no just makes sense to me. To me, Sin is a notion that creates fear that world leaders centuries ago could use to get people to do what they want. It may have been added, it may have been changed in translation, or it may have been in the Bible from the beginning, but the following explains why I discount the notion of Sin...

So...we are God's childern...he's our Father. He created us in His image. As a father, who has had multiple kids, who would never deny them my love for anything, who didn't create them with the sense that they owe me something (be it their love or anything else)...I find it impossible to believe that our Father, God, would create us with the first breath we take, owing him our love and devotion, otherwise he would deny us his love (allowing us into Heaven). I just can't fathom it. It's something no one will be able to convince me of. I would actually hope that any parent would feel this way...if they dig down deep and ponder it. If he made us like him...and it's not in our, as a parent, realm of possibility to deny our kids our love...they why is it hard to believe he would do the opposite?

Now that's from the Baptist point of view...who believe that you're a sinner from the moment you are born. Even from the Catholic point of view, who believe that you earn your way into Heaven through good deeds...Do parents believe that their kids EARN their love?? No. We give our love to our kids regardless of what they do. They may make us more or less proud, based on their actions, but the love remains the same. So why would our good deeds be what gets us into Heaven? Of course God is proud of us providing good deeds, but he loves us just as much if we don't perform as many good deeds as he'd like. the snag.

If there is no Sin...they why was Jesus sent to earth, if not to ultimately die for our sins?? That's the current million dollar question that I'm pondering and I'll hopefully discuss in Part 2. If Jesus didn't come to bear our Sins, what was he here for?

Feel free to comment on that, or your thoughts on anything in this post so far. Dissertations are welcome. :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Congrats Michael Phelps!

Congratulations to Michael Phelps, eight time gold medal winner in the Beijing Olympic Games. I followed his journey, these games, with great amazement and wonder. I watched all his races, or will have after I catch the DVR from Friday. What an astonishing accomplishment. Congrats, Michael, on the record of 8 Gold Medals in one Olympic Games, and 7 World Record times to go along with it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We Are Failing Democracy...

Democracy is under attack...and we are able/willing to do NOTHING. Here we are, fighting for Deomcracy in least the third different reason for the war...a country that is, at the very best, hesitant to embrace democracy; all the while, a friend and ally, whom have already fully embraced and allowed Democracy to thrive, sits...waiting...under attack...hoping for help.

You may not know much about the current Russian invasion of Georgia, but you will want to pay attention. Russia is sending a is loud and clear...We Are A Superpower...and We Aren't Afraid of the United States.

While President Bush has been gazing into Vladamir Putin's eyes, seeing a friend, former President Putin has been creating a superpower of energy out of Russia. Now Prime Minister, Vladamir Putin despises Deomcracy...he always has...and is picking on former USSR Republic, Georgia.

The current situation is, according to Georgia President Mikhail Saakashvili, that Russian tanks began rolling into Georgia territory, unprovoked. Once they were 100 miles into Georgia, Georgia opened fire against the hostile action. Then, by some miracle, hundreds more Russian tanks quickly appeared and began their attack on Georgia. They have taken over Georgia's ports, bombed their towns, taken over airport(s)...all in less than a week.

Folks, it doesn't take a genius to realize that this was a planned attack, weeks, if not months, in the making. Hundreds of tanks don't just suddenly show up at the first sign of fire, without them being ready to do so.

Why is Russia doing this? Because Georgia is a thriving democracy, and because they allowed a oil pipeline to be built through their country, connecting the Caspian See and the Black Sea. This is a non-Russian controlled pipeline, which Russia opposes, because as I mentioned before, they want to control all the energy in Europe.

So Russia Invaded Georgia.

Georgian citizens have been quoted as saying, "Where's help from the United States?" "Why aren't they coming to help us?" "Why are we helping them in Iraq if they won't help us when we need it?"

So why aren't we helping out Georgia? We can't. It's that simple. Our troops are already overextended, thanks to simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even if we did have troops to lend, I'm not sure we could. You see, Russia and China are closer allies than China and the US are. If China sided with Russia, China could merely threaten us economically, and we'd HAVE to back down. They could more than cripple our economy...they'd devidtate it. All they would have to do is cash in all their US Treasury Bonds they own.

For those not fully aware, US Treasury Bonds are Debt owed by the US Government. China owns LOTS of our outstanding US Treasury Bonds. If they decided to cash them in/sell them...someone would have to buy them. That someone would likely be the US treasury, because no investor would likely buy them. Of course, the US Treasury doesn't have enough money to buy them all, so they'd have to print money to buy them, which would further devalue our Dollar. Devaluation of our dollar would lead to further inflation...probably massive inflation...which this economy can't handle.

So while the US has been pandering and keeping a short-sighted view by bailing out Bear Stearns and reckless home buyers, China and Russia have kept their eye on the horizion...knowing that they could one day use their fiscal standing to control the US's actions by threatening to crush our economy.

They know that the US is not suited for this World Economy that we preach about. We owe too much, and we run deficits year after year, putting us further into debt.

If we decided not to heed China's would be World War III. A true War for Oil/energy.

I don't know what we can do...all I know is that we, as Citizens, need to demand better from our Government. We need to demand that they take a long-term view. Would it be nice to insure everyone in the United States? Absolutely. Would it be the best thing for the country? Definitely not! We can't afford it!! And "taxing the rich" isn't going to cut it, folks. It's only going to prompt "the rich" to work less. Why would all kinds of small business owners work hard on their own business, only to get half of it, or more, taken away?? Would you??

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Struggling with the Abortion issue...

Well, let's see, we've got the Olympics, Brett Farve, first day of kindergarten...but nah, let's bypass the light-hearted stuff and jump right to one of the most controversial issues today. Way to go Mad Hoosier. I used to be hardcore pro-choice. Not that I'm not now, but I'm wavering. Let me explain.

I think I've said in previous posts about believing that the Lord doesn't want me to tell other people what they should get to do with their bodies. While I still believe that, I'm finding Abortion more wrong than I used to, and I am torn with the Lord wanting me to be a advocate for those that don't have a voice.

So how have I suddenly found Abortion to be "more wrong" than I used to? Well...I've read a couple of books recently that have touched on partial-birth abortions. I guess in my desire not to upset people who I believe should have their own choice to do with their bodies that they wish, I haven't really paid attention to what exactly partial-birth abortions are. Shame on me...and shame on anyone else who believes abortions are ok and don't know what partial-birth abortions are.

If you do happen to know what partial-birth abortions are, and you are still fully ok with the notion of abortion in general...well, that's between you, your conscious, and God. At least you've done your homework, and I will try to not stand in judgement of that notion and however you justify it. But if you believe that abortions are ok, then it is incumbent upon yourself to fully educate yourself with all matters of abortion.

I guess there are a couple different ways to perform partial-birth abortions. I apologize, but I feel like I must very briefly explain two of them, so if you don't wish to read, stop now, or skip to the next paragraph. One involves suffocating the baby...depriving it from oxygen during the birthing process, and another is actually delivering the baby part of the way, but driving some kind of rod/tube into the baby's head after the partial-birth, to kill it.

I don't know why I read those books and thought, "that's murder of an innocent life" when I hadn't thought of it that way before...perhaps because of the graphic nature of it...but I did.

You may or may not know, I have three kids, so I know the various stages of progression in a pregnancy. For instance, as early as the 5th week (that's before many people know they're pregnant) the brain and heart begins to form. So the natural progression of thought is...if partial-birth abortion is wrong, then 3rd-term abortion is just as wrong.

Then you, or at least I, begin to wonder..."if partial-birth and late term abortion is wrong, isn't all abortion wrong"?

So then I ponder...and meditate on...and wonder..."Maybe abortion is ok if the soul isn't in the body yet." Which of course leads to more pondering and meditating over just when does the soul enter the body? Any parent knows, the first time they feel the baby, that baby is alive as sure as you are.

And since I believe strongly in Sylvia Brown-type issues, such as past lives and life on the other side, I even asked my kids if they can remember when they were in Mommy's belly. I got many cute answers, but nothing specific that could help me on my journey.

So I just went back to feeling the baby moving. Once I felt the baby moving, I knew they were alive and well...which to me says their soul has already arrived. So did my child's souls arrive the first time I could feel them? Of course, the mother can feel the baby before the father...maybe the soul just magically arrives the first time they feel that flutter in their belly??

Well, it just doesn't make sense to me, that the soul just magically arrives at any one point. Even in the first two weeks, when they are cells, dividing and creating life, would it be week 5 that the soul magically arrives, when the brain and heart begin forming...and indeed the heart begins beating in week five. Even if that is the case, which I'm not convinced, that's still having the soul arrive before most people know they are pregnant.

Henseforth, along those lines, any abortion after week five, is murder of a soul...which can only be murder of a life, even if it can't sustain itself yet...and is therefore wrong.

BUT...after all that...I still have this part inside of me saying, "God doesn't want you to tell other people how to live their life and what to do with their bodies."

So I'm still torn...completely lost for what to think. So...anyone that has any other input out there, please feel free to add your thoughts.

I promise to keep this topic, at least in this thread, out of the political realm...if you promise not to cite how hard the decision for abortion is. I have no doubt that many people struggle with it....but we all know that the majority of women who have abortions are teens and young 20-somethings that weren't responsible in the first place and are making the decision for selfish reasons.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

"Affording" the GOP...

Ok Ray Anderson of Newburgh,'re the first person I'll speak to regarding your opinion in the Viewpoint section of the Evansville Courier and Press on August 1st, 2008.

Ray called out Republicans as the supposed fiscally sound bunch and supposedly good business managers, citing large deficits and supposedly inept agencies like FEMA and the EPA. He even went so far as to say, "...we don't know if our food is safe to eat, our water is safe to drink, or our air safe to breathe."

Trust me, in Southwest Indiana, we have no issues with poor air quality, unless you count humidity so thick you could cut it with a knife as poor air quality, or unsafe water. Of course in Evansville, IN, if it storms bad enough, there is a section bad enough that will cause the sewers to overflow, leaving raw sewege strewn about yards. But that's a city infrastructure issue that the Democratic mayor finally addressed. Of course, that was due in large part to the 8th District Democratic Congressman writing the bill for it into the overbloated Spending Bill forced through by the Democratic-led congress late last year. What? You don't live in Southwest Indiana? That's are now the proud financier of a new updated sewege system in Evansville, Indiana. Congratulations!

Thank you notes can be sent to Representative Brad Ellsworth, 513 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. If you want, you may also send Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel a note and thank him for allowing the issue to be passed on to the nation's taxpayers, rather than keeping it at the state or local level.

Anyway, back to Ray Anderson of Newburgh, IN and the broad brush he painted "republicans" with. He has, clasically, used a few isolated issues to blame one party(remember that I despise the party system) for the nation's woes. Now certainly, in the case of Katrina, some of the downfalls have been collassal in nature, FEMA has done lots of good too. Even here in Southwest Indiana when a Category F5 tornado ripped through Evansville, Indiana in November (yes November!) of 2006, FEMA was on the scene and helped MANY families locally.

What Ray forgets, or fails to realize, is that doubling the size of FEMA or the EPA, as the Big Government Democrats want to do, will only add to the woes exponentially. Factually, large organizations do not and can not adapt quickly. They are slow to recognize, and even slower move through the red tape, much less act.

Sure, there are bad apples in every bunch. I make no apologizes for any Republicans who spent poorly in the past 8 years. Of course, much of the deficit is due to the war(s). Sure, we don't like the war in Iraq...but it is what it is. But there would have been deficits regardless, even if Gore would have won 8 years ago...unless he would have done as I suspect, and not have a strong reaction to 9-11.

So if you have people in your community like Ray Anderson, who are quick to blame Republicans, take heed. The grass only looks greener. Big government and Socialism(Obama's plan to tax the rich and give to the poor is indeed socialism) won't fix the will send it reeling.

Calling Out local...misguided individuals.

Perhaps I'm becoming more jaded. I used to have a code on my blog that stipulated that I wouldn't typically name names. But there seems to be a plethora(I love that word) of liberal-leaning forces out there these days. So if some one's going to publish an article, or write in to an opinion section, where names are already used, I've decided that there's nothing wrong with referencing the person specifically. That's what good journalists do, right? Does it not add credibility to an article?

OK, so I'm not really a "journalist", and my reasoning may not be solely to add credibility to my "article". But if people are going to be journalists, or they are going to opine, they should know that their opinions aren't unchallengeable.

Now there is something to be said that "calling people out" actually stifles conversation, but I assure you, that's not my intention. I've just had enough of sending in rebuttals to my local paper and not having them published. So I'll self publish them.

I'll try to always be respectful, and not bloviate. Yah, I got that(bloviate) from Papa Bear, O'Reilly. And I got that(Papa Bear) from Steven Colbert. remind everyone. I'm a conservative. A conservative does not equal a racist. A conservative does not equal hate. And it does not equal closed-mindedness. But conservatism is where my perspective comes from. So if you believe that the United States should be a citizen of the world first, or you think anyone that is skeptical of mainstream ideas is crazy, then this blog may not be for you (not that there's any people out there reading this to begin with).

I do welcome respectful conversation...just do a search for "atheists" and you'll see how two opposing views can have a respectful conversation here. Just know that I mean no ill will, or mean-spiritedness, to those that I mention here. I don't wish to "shut you up". But I do wish you to know that your opinion may not be the final word on the topic.

So I guess that's my "warning". Now I just have to search through my work bag to find a good article from the Evansville Courier and Press that I've saved.

Time to Grow Up. I'll Miss You Ultima Online!

No, my hiatus wasn't due to playing Ultima Online 24/7 this summer. But how I do enjoy the game...or used to. I played it for 5 years straight at one point. Then I sold the account because we couldn't afford our rent, much less shell out $15 bucks a month for an online game. I traded it for the much less expensive, and more creative, Wrassle[dot]Net. But after a while, I missed it, and wanted to play again. So once we could "afford it", I bought my old account back, and began playing again. It was fun, of course, I wish I could play it forever.

But this year, my oldest starts kindergarten. For a plethora of reasons, I'm terrified.

You see, over the years, since I've been married, I've caught glimpses of "adulthood" in myself. I'd catch myself in the middle of mowing the yard, or cleaning the measly easy set pool we have and think, "wow, I feel like my Dad"..."I feel like a grown-up."

Now, I've got to move beyond those glimpses, and live it full time. I've taught my kids, of course, in between playing and having fun. But now I've got to teach my kids. No, they aren't going to be home schooled, though sometimes I'm sure I'd just as soon they were.

I can already tell, that I don't fully trust schools to teach my kids what they need to know. Secularism, political correctness, and liberalism that infiltrate and encompass the school system pretty much dictate that I'll have to give my kids "perspective" on a daily basis.

So while I've slowly been trying to make myself "more responsible" by setting reading goals for myself, ridding my life of clutter, and generally trying to break away from frivolous time consuming activities, it hasn't been enough. Time to put responsibility into hyper-drive.

Now I've probably been a little hard on myself. I rarely play Ultima Online these days...though the bill for $15 mysteriously has not adjusted to reflect less usage of Origins servers. And, in reality, I'm quite a responsible parent. But I think the overwhelming nature of my daughter starting forget until times like these how resilient kids are...along with the symbolism of still playing an online game that I played when I was a "kid" is what has me rattled.

But for some reason, I feel like the symbolic gesture of quitting Ultima Online officially...though my pocketbook will realize that it's more than symbolic to the tune of $180 per year...will make a difference. So, by the end of this month, Ultima Online will be removed from my computer.

Welcome to adulthood, Mad Hoosier.