Monday, January 07, 2008

*sigh* Big Government Democrats...

Sorry for taking some time off...the family took turns at being sick for the new year. So I'll just try to make a quick note about how I think big government is not a good idea. In the Democrat's bid to take the moral high ground on major issues, they will ultimately drive the economy into further duress, tax the heck out of everyone, and build a federal government so big that the gaps in nearly all government offices will be much worse than the gaps in intelligence agencies leading up to 9/11.

Let me just say that I like education reform, health care reform, and the like, if not in whole at least in part. But have those socialized, that is to say run by federal government is apalling. Many agree that No Child Left Behind has been largely a disaster. So how is adding more government involvement to education reform going to help?? I agree that there must be some national standards, but the states need to decide how best to meet those standards.

And're going to cut health care spending and expenses as a means to nationalized health care?? Please. Are you going to make it impossible for someone to sue a doctor that acts with malpractice? That's one of the main reasons that health care prices are so high...malpractice insurance is outrageous.

Does anyone see shady doctors charging the government $4000 for an office visit and some antibiotics? Because I can...and the federal government will be so innundated that it will take forever to investigate phony charges, if ever.

So have to realize that, while definitely worthy causes, nationalized health care, education reform...none of these will be solved by a bloated federal government. It must be taken care of at the state level. Don't let candidates talking of high moral issues cause you to be blinded by what would inevitablly happen if a over-sized government took over operations of those worthy causes.


Rocketstar said...

"Does anyone see shady doctors charging the government $4000 for an office visit and some antibiotics? Because I can...and the federal government will be so innundated that it will take forever to investigate phony charges, if ever."

-- So this has to be an issue that Europe has come accross and already solved, I can't imagine that it is rocket science.

nationalized health care is obtainable and doable, the entire western civilized world (except us) has mastered it, we can as well.

I am not a Democrat... This Republican gov. has grown the size of the federal government both in size and in $. What ever happened to Rep. beleiving in small government like Ron Paul?

I consoder myself a libertarian, I want the government out of my bedroom and out of my pocketbook.

Have you seen Sicko?

The Mad Hoosier said...

Hey Rocketstar, I haven't seen Sicko. I can't patronize Michael Moore for a variety of reasons. But I'll take your word on it that the poverty-stricken country of Cuba has good health care. :)

I agree that this administration has definitely gotten away from what Republican's traditionally stand for in terms of small government. And the spending...even before this new congress...was atrocious.

I'm not sure Univeral Healthcare has been mastered. I've heard that it's beneficial, but that under our current system that the United States still has the best doctor's in the world. I'll have to check with some Canadian friends to get their take on their health care. I'm sure their insight will help me out some too.

I think what it is, is that I'm still on the fence about Universal Health Care altogether. I can see the point of view that health care isn't a right. Of course I can see how callous that notion is too.

I think part of it is that I don't want to have to pay for other people's healthcare. I know that's selfish too, but I've paid my own healthcare for so long, now I've got to pay for other's healthcare too. It just rubs me the wrong way, at times.

Rocketstar said...

I always think about how the Christians can be against it when they ask themselves "WWJD"? ;o)

The Mad Hoosier said...

Jesus, being the King of Kings, would go back to a monarchy. :)