Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Proud of George Bush and country...

I must admit that yesterday, I was questioning if all the pomp and circumstance surrounding Barack Obama was warranted. It was starting to feel, to me, as though the nation was annointing something more than the next President.

But that all melted away today. We witnessed a truly historic event that can only have happened in this great nation. Though I didn't vote for Barack Obama, I'm proud to say that he's our President. I hope and pray that he leads our country into continued greatness. And I'm proud to be part of this country which has come so far is a relatively short time.

Whether you liked President Bush or not, whether you agreed with him or not, he never used the office of President as a partisan platform. He endured more hatred than any other President in our nation's history, yet he never waivered from his personal convictions, whether the public agreed with them or not. One such conviction was to not be partisan and another was to conduct a transfer of power that was much smoother and kinder than the one he received.

Again, whether you liked him or not, for the sake of President Barack Obama, you should be thankful that in this time of potential great peril, we had a outgoing President who refused to be partisan and conducted a transfer of power with grace and gratitude. There's a lot on President Obama's plate. I hope that he's ready and that the smooth transition helps him hit the ground running.

Thank you for your service President Bush. President Obama, I may disagree with your policies in the future, but I'll always be hoping for your success. May you continue to do your country proud, as you very clearly have up to this point.

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

It does fell good today but our problems are far from getting better, i hope people realize that Obama is not the cure for our ills. He may be able to help but we need a lot of work to fix what is wrong.

Bush.. transfer...
He did do a great job allowing Obama to easily and without conflict slide into the role. He should get huge props for that.