Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hockey Dads - Wake Up

Before I share my observation and subsequent advice, please know that contrary to what some would believe, the term Hockey Moms, or in this case Hockey Dads, is not some subliminal code language indicating racism. Hockey anything, Moms-Dads-Uncles-Brothers, you name it, is just that. Hockey Moms. The more important of the two words is, of course, Mom, or Dad, or Sister, or whatever. The sport is only relevant to a specific point of reference and should be assumed to be reasonably substituted for whatever sport is more relateable to you. For instance, if you don't have a kid that plays hockey, but instead plays soccer, in the broadest scope that most people speak in terms of, a Soccer Dad is the same as a Hockey Dad, which would be the same as a Baseball Dad or a Volleyball Dad...and so on and so forth.

Of course if you feel the need to typecast, label, characterize and/or brand said terms in specific categories of race, class, and geography, by all means go ahead. Don't let me stop you from further breaking down any and all common links between fellow man.

I digress.

Back to Hockey Dads. Hockey...because the Dads that I observed last week were parents of kids participating in the sport of Hockey, however all sports are inclusive in this discussion. It is the "Dad" part that's mostly important here.

Dads, if you find yourself conversing with a group of fellow dads into the wee hours of the morning about how the coach should put which kid in what position, particularly when the conversation is aided with the use of alcohol, please know this doesn't reflect well upon yourself, your child, or the rest of the kids in the group.

It's sad really. Not only are you pathetically living your life through that of your child, but you're commiserating with a bunch of guys that are doing the same, thereby multiplying the sadness factor exponentially.

Add to that, the usage of alcohol, and it only highlights the fact that you are incapable of bonding with the fellow dads through normal means and are only comfortable expressing your feelings, thoughts, or ideas, with the help of a veil of a drink that will eventually lead to feelings of resentment from the child that you are proudly boasting of to a bunch of fellow drunk Hockey Dads.

So instead of contributing to breakdown of society, how about this Hockey Dads...how about you go bed early, forgo forcing the fuming night auditor to clean up all your beer cans and bottles, and just wake up early with your kid and bond...teach...learn. Practice with them some in the morning, if that's what the child wants...go over strategies...teach them to win and lose gracefully. For the love of God, teach them to be a proud, respectful, and gracious human being...through example. What say you, Hockey Dads??

In the interest of full disclosure, if you hadn't made the connection yet, I am the said fuming night auditor, forced to sit and listen to the drivel that spews from drunk "Hockey" Dad's mouths, cleaning up piles of beer cans and bottles from inconsiderate people at four o'clock in the morning.

Additionally, my Dad would have likely been one of these dads...though my sport would have been baseball. But had I lived with my Dad after the divorce, I would have likely been forced to be one of the kids with one of those Dads. Actually, there's very little doubt in my mind that would have been the case...but I'll leave a wee bit of an opening, just in case.

Aside from the fact that I don't drink alcohol at all, I vow not to be one of "those dads" as my kids grow up. I doubt I'll be the kind of parent that lives vicariously through my kids anyway, but if any of my kids choose sports, you can bet I'll be in the room with them, bonding, strategizing, and teaching my kids...or even taking their mind off the big game. Whatever it is my kids need, they shall have...and I can assure you...they don't need their father up until three or four in the morning...drinking...proverbially pounding his chest as he tries to show up the other parents with his knowledge of all thing sports.

So wake up Hockey Dads...try to be the family leader...not the leader of the drunk Hockey Dads.


Rocketstar said...

I rememberr going to my older brothers baseball games and one of the kids had an alcoholic father that woudl totally embarass his kid witht he yelling at the ump, the coach etc... It was sad and there is too many parents who can't quite grasp the fact that they should show positive support and positive support only. No yelling at the coach to put thier kid in or at the ump for a bad call.

All of the se parents that think their kid will grow up to be Michael Jordan, it is sad.

Thomas said...

Damn, if Pee-Wee placement is the foremost thing on these men's minds, they must have it pretty good. The rest of us have much bigger issues on our plates, like, oh, keeping our jobs, making ends meet, etc.