Sunday, December 16, 2007

Book Recommendation

I've heard that if you read three books on a topic, you can be considered an expert on the subject. That is one of the most powerful things I've ever heard, and it's what caused me to start my way to becoming a reader. I never used to read...I used to hate reading...probably because I was a slow reader. As a matter of fact, up until two years ago, I've only read two books cover to cover. One was a Sylvia Browne book, and the other was an economics book for a grad school class.

I still read rather slowly, but I no longer let it me stop me from reading. I still don't read as much as I'd like to, and I didn't reach my goal/New Year's resolution this year of a book a month, but I've read three cover to cover, and half of about three other books. One I'm in the middle of currently, and I'll return to the others eventually.

It's the one that I'm currently in the middle of that I can already recommend. It's called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker, M.D. It's a guide as to how to raise your daughter in this world to keep her from being harmed by society. I'd say it's a must read for any father, particularly new fathers.

It had me, as I'm sure it would have many other fathers, hooked in the first three pages. The most profound is that this doctor, through years of study in her own practice and research, states how the father is the most important person in any girls life...whether that be for the better or worse.

It's definitely a book that I'll want to keep handy throughout the years.


Rocketstar said...

I will add this one to my Amazon Wish list, thanks Mad hoosier. I have two young daughters (2 and 3 yrs old).

Wow, I never knew I was an expert in so many subjects ;o)

Jay said...

I don't suppose it works if you don't have a father.

The Mad Hoosier said...

No Problem Rocketstar...I hope you like it. I'll give you fair warning...there is a section in there about a father teaching her daughter about God, if you believe in God. The author does mention atheism too, and just says to make sure and be ready as your daughters will likely have questions if they hear kids at school talking about religion. It's not a big chunk of the book or anything, but I thought I'd mention it to you.

Jay...I'm sorry that you may not have been able to experience the father/daughter relationship. Perhaps just keep the book in mind for your husband if you have kids.

I thought immediately of this book when the hot news was all over the media today about Brittany Spears' sister being pregnant at age 16. This book obviously can't guarantee how things like that won't happen, but it does talk about how a father's presence and feelings on the subject can greatly affect things such as this happening.

One thing that I found interesting in the book is how the mind of a female isn't fully developed until into early 20's, in most cases. So her capacity for rational thought isn't fully developed until then. Many parents think that once their kids hit high school or so, that they are "old enough to handle themselves"...and that may not always be the case.

Rocketstar said...

Thanks for the warning ;o)

Hey, check out my latest reply on the other post.