Sunday, December 09, 2007

Senators stalling the Clean Energy Act of 2007?

Recently a bill passed in the House of Representatives that would begin working on the environment. It didn't pass by a huge margin, but it passed. It was the Clean Energy Act of 2007. I don't understand why it didn't pass by more, since it seems overwhelming that Americans want to improve the environment, but at least it passed.

I don't fully understand the intricacies of this bill, but it seems to be about removing subsidies for oil/energy companies, requiring a 15% investment in renewable energy, and raising the efficiency of automobiles. Again, I'm sure that's not all encompassing, but that's some of the major points of the legislation.

I don't know why the bill isn't making it through the Senate, but an article in the local newspaper stated that opponents believe that somehow it could raise energy prices in areas where...get and wind technologies aren't feasible.

I won't even begin to preach my opinion on global warming...but at the very least I don't think anyone wants the earth to be worse off...but if you want see how your representative voted, and find ways to contact your Senators demand action one way or the other, make sure to check out

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