Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We Get What We Deserve...Honorless Government.

It was supposed to be a dawning of a new age...a new way to do things. Transparent. No conflicts. No lobbyists. A change.

And yet...it's all the same.

A Secretary of State who has legitimate questions of conflict of interest. Countries who many not have our best interests at heart made, and may continue to make, donations to her husband's foundation with the expectation of special favors of some sort. A potential conflict of interest that may put our country in unnecessary danger.

A Treasury Secretary who doesn't pay his taxes...not once, or twice, or thrice, but four times. A man who is supposed to be a brilliant economist. A man who worked for an agency that not only paid for his taxes, but sent him a check specifically describing what the check was for....that required the man to sign a ledger saying that he understood they were for taxes. A man whom after getting caught not paying taxes once, continued to not pay taxes. A man who only paid his taxes, with no interest or penalties, AFTER he realized that he would be a nominee for Treasury Secretary. Did we mention that this man will be in charge of the IRS...the agency responsible for collecting taxes?

A Health and Human Services Secretary who doesn't pay his taxes. A guy who didn't pay his medicare taxes. This is a man who is going to run Medicare!

A Secretary of Labor who was a member of a prominent pro-labor group who is pushing the Employee Free of Choice Act, which is legislation which will ban an employee's right to secret ballots. When questioned about her stance on this legisiation, the Secretary of Labor elect stated that she wasn't prepared to answer that question in public, but would answer it privately. How ironic.

And in a final kicker, thus far, the aforementioned Treasury Secretary promptly named as his Chief of Staff, a Goldman Sachs lobbyist.

Is this what we were promised? Is it ok to look the other way if "these are the best people for the job"?? When will the government be accountable to say what they mean and mean what they say???

The answer, of course, is never. They will never be held to the same standard that normal Americans are. Unless normal Americans stand up and demand that they are held to the same standard, our Government will continue to take advantage, go back on their word, and further disenfranchise our nation.


Rocketstar said...

Not that I am disagreeing with you on everything here but for the opposing viewpoint…

It was supposed to be a dawning of a new age...a new way to do things. Transparent. No conflicts. No lobbyists. A change.

--- it’s been two weeks, decades of dysfunction will most likely take years to correct? You really didn’t believe Obama or McCain when they said they’d change Washington did you ;o)

Countries who many not have our best interests at heart made, and may continue to make, donations to her husband's foundation with the expectation of special favors of some sort. A potential conflict of interest that may put our country in unnecessary danger.
--- Do you really think this poses DANGER? An example of this potential danger? The secretary of state’s actions/decisions are well documented analyzed etc… do you really think she could do something that would put the country in danger without any knowledge of anyone else. Maybe I am just naive.

A Secretary of Labor who was a member of a prominent pro-labor group who is pushing the Employee Free of Choice Act, which is legislation which will ban an employee's right to secret ballots.
-- As I understand it, “the Employee Free Choice Act would make the choice between the National Labor Relations Board's secret ballot election process and a card sign-up process "a majority choice of the employees, not the employer."

Is this what we were promised? Is it ok to look the other way if "these are the best people for the job"?? When will the government be accountable to say what they mean and mean what they say???
-- I fear you are correct….. never.

The Mad Hoosier said...

--- it’s been two weeks, decades of dysfunction will most likely take years to correct? You really didn’t believe Obama or McCain when they said they’d change Washington did you ;o)

I didn't expect immediate results. To be honest, I didn't expect any results from either of them. But I did expect them to hold true to their word, and the current trend provides no evidence whatsoever that anything will change. Is there no one in the entirity of government that meets the standards set forth by President Obama? Surely a few people in Washington has paid all of their taxes on time??!!

--- Do you really think this poses DANGER? An example of this potential danger? The secretary of state’s actions/decisions are well documented analyzed etc… do you really think she could do something that would put the country in danger without any knowledge of anyone else. Maybe I am just naive.

Absolutely I think this COULD be a danger. All it takes is a few fluff meetings in Saudia Arabia with no real discussions whatsoever or demands made from us to take a hard line on terror, and that's enough time for more terrorists to be trained in the country. Do you honestly not conceive that someone that gave President Clinton's foundation $5 million dollars would say, "Sure Hilliary, we're doing everything we can to prevent terrorists from training here" with no real honesty whatsoever and be met with no tough follow-up questions from Secretary Clinton?

Will it happen? Perhaps not. Can it happen? Absolutely.

-- As I understand it, “the Employee Free Choice Act would make the choice between the National Labor Relations Board's secret ballot election process and a card sign-up process "a majority choice of the employees, not the employer."

Employees of a company can, at any time, decide to form a union without any consent whatsoever of the company. It has happened to Wal-Mart in a couple of places, and when the initiative passed, Wal-Mart just closed it's doors in that particular town.

The way it happens now is via secret ballot...to protect those who do not want to vote for a union from intimidation tactics or even uncomfortable treatment from colleagues whom are for a union. It is exactly the same reason that there was a secret ballot to decide whether or not Joe Lieberman was allowed to keep his committe chair after the election.

What the Employee Free Choice Act does is nullify the right of a secret ballot. This effectively opens up any employee who is not for unionizing to intimidation tactics, not just to them but to their families at the heels of a strong union, such as the Teamsters. This will essentially create a unionization of all labor, which will bring productivity of any company down extremely, due to union rules, concessions, etc.

These are the representatives of We The People. They work for us. They MUST be held to the same standards ordinary Americans are, if not a higher standard than even we are.

I couldn't not "forget" to pay my taxes this year, and not be expected to repay my taxes with interest AND penalties(which none of these clowns has paid yet).

Over $125,000 in taxes?! Not taxes on $125,000 of income...$125,000 in taxes! Are you kidding me Daschle and Geithner??!! By the words of our Vice President, these people are un-patriotic, at best.

Listen, it's not that I disagree with these people...it's their hypocracy and criminal activity that I'm objecting to.

The Secretary of Labor is asked a question about public votes for unions and can't answer the question except in private. Are you serious, Hilda Solis? Have some courage! Show some conviction! Believe what you say! Let us decide if we want public votes for unions, don't hide it from us and try to sneak it in under our noses for the love of Pete!

Sorry Rocket, to begin yelling at the end. I wasn't yelling at you, you understand. I just get worked up over these things.

Rocketstar said...

no worries, I hear ya. Almost all Politicians are scumbags, I think it's in thier nature. Power corrupts.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. These men will say anything to get into office. As for what I can do, I do feel inspired to get the names and addresses of my state politicians and perhaps write some letters. You should totally have a link to help with that. You're so good at this. :) I really feel like I don't know where to start.