Saturday, February 21, 2009

Don't Believe it, and Don't Let Them Wear You Down. Be A Guardian of Liberty.

The Government, meaning the President all the way down to the Representatives, is trying to wear you down...trying to make you give up and let them make all the decisions without our input. Don't Let Them.

When they speak of Capitalism being the problem, or the economy being too complicated for you to understand, or there being no problem with deficit spending. Don't believe it. Lies. Dirty rotten lies!

Capitalism is not the is not at least the truest form of capitalism. We haven't run on true capitalism for some time now, but for the bulk of the past century it has been close enough to the truest form of capitalism. Capitalism is not a belief, it's not an just is. It's a system. A system proven to work over the bulk of the past 200 years. Yet some would try to make you believe it's suddenly broken. Hogwash!

The problem is not's people. Think of capitalism as the vehicle of the economy. Vehicles don't kill people...people driving the vehicle do. Likewise Capitalism isn't the problem, the natural emotion of humans known as greed is the problem. We can't prevent greed, we can only monitor it to keep it in check.

Another statement used to blunt your complaints is that the economy is way too difficult for you to understand. Those who say that are trying to dull your senses...trying to make you feel dumb. Certainly the US economy is multi-faceted, multi-layered, and even complicated...but not too complicated for you to follow. The same principles that you use to govern your own personal monetary policy still hold true in the larger picture of the US economy. Those principles are even the driving force of the economy, with the multi-faceted, multi-layered, complicated additions figuring in, to a lesser degree.

The economy still needs to earn more than it spends. It needs to save for an emergency, it needs to maintain only a reasonable amount of debt, and it needs to prevent one specific aspect of the budget from representing too large of a percentage of the overall obligations. When it doesn't, things go bad....just like if you spend more than you make, or if your debt is more than the value of your assets, or if your house payment is 40% of your income. Murphy's law is just takes more time to reach some than others.

You know in your heart, that deficit spending doesn't work. You're always chasing the unattainable. You can't spend your way out of things without changing your habits, right? You know those people who were on the verge of bankruptcy. They though, "If I can just make more money." Then they get a higher paying job, begin to get caught up, only to buy a house boat 6 months later and put themselves in the exact same predicament of being on the verge of bankruptcy.

IT DOESN'T WORK!!! You have to change your habits that got you there in the first place, not keep doing what you've been doing, only to the nth degree.

They'll tell you that all the economists agree, ignoring the hundreds that take out newspaper ads saying they disagree. They'll tell you that they had to do something, ignoring the fact that it didn't work in the Great Depression. Did you know that FDR's Treasury Secretary(I believe that's who it was...someone very close to him) admitted that all their spending didn't work???

You know we're this close to another depression. Nationalizing the banks isn't the answer. A huge government database of our health records isn't the answer.

Don't let them tell you otherwise. Don't let them wear you down. Don't let them force you to submit. Be a Guardian of Liberty. Our country, and the founding fathers who left this legacy to us, are counting on you to be strong. We all don't serve in the military...but we all must serve our country. Be determined in your correspondence with your representatives. That is your service to your country.


Rocketstar said...

I have less confidence in the general public's intelligence. I actually think that the average American doesn't have the knowledge and education to be able to understand the US economic factors and how they each work together.

The Mad Hoosier said...

It's interesting that you don't have faith the common man's intelligence, yet you have full faith that democracy and American ingenuity will save us from falling into socialism or worse.

That's exactly what everyone wants us to believe, and it's the perpetuation of that myth that has much of the US disengaged from politics. We believe the lie that Government tells us that they are the only ones smart enough to figure it out.

Most of them know as little, or as much as we they further let others within government tell them that they'll take care of it. So that leaves the select few that got us into this mess telling everyone that they know how to get us out of it!

As I said, of course there are intricacies that are factored in to such a large economy. But the major principles that make economy run are universal...whether they be a US economy or a personal household.

You can't spend more than you make. You can't spend 40% of your personal GDP on a house payment. (Next year, 40% of the US GDP will be spent by US Government 1900 that figure was 4%). If you're near bankruptcy you can't go get a credit card and charge another $50K. Principles are universal...the US Government doesn't get a seperate set of principles to live by.

Rocketstar said...

Oh, if you are talking about basic spending principles, I agree that most Americans have a grip on those philosophies I was thinking more of the intricacies of the economy, the Yield Curve, defaltion vs inflation etc...

The Mad Hoosier said...

Right. It's the basic principles that drive the economy. Factors such as money supply, yield curves, deflation, inflation, valuation, defecit spending, and many others that the government and economists try to focus on to make us all think that we couldn't possibly understand anything about the economy. They try to make us feel stupid and like we NEED without them, we'd die in a fiery ball.

Those are the lies...those are how they try to keep us glazy-eyed...beat us into submission so we won't question their policies.