Monday, December 29, 2008

We Still Have Hope...

This is a story that I heard the other day on Glenn Beck's show. It is a story written by Dr. John Rossi.

"Once upon a time there was a very happy couple. Their names were Freedom and Capitalism. They married and had many wonderful children. Their names were Independence, Self-worth, Hard work, Dignity, Charity, Faith and Hope.

They all lived happily for many years and the children respected their parents and loved them both very much. But Freedom and Capitalism, later, had several naughty children, very naughty. They weren't so respectful and never appreciated their parents. Their names were Wealth envy, Environmentalism, Animal rights activism, Racism, Feminism, and Ultra liberalism.

These evil children blamed their parents for everything and hated their parents', Freedom and Capitalism. In fact, these unappreciative children began to hate their parents since they didn't realize their parents gave them everything they had and didn't realize that they wouldn't even exist without their parents. They hated their parents so much, they began to plot with their neighbors to kill their parents and to keep their home.

Their neighbors' names were Socialism and Communism, who on the outside were a very lovely couple; but inside they were very, very ugly. They and their children, whose names were Despair, Poverty, Hopelessness, Suffering, and Repression had been welcomed into every neighborhood they had lived in, but then thrown out after years of suffering and the loss of many lives.

So late one night in total darkness, because Socialism and Communism did everything in darkness and the way from the light of the truth, while everyone was asleep, Wealth envy, Environmentalism, Feminism, Animal rights, egged on by their younger obnoxious brother, Hollywood, disguised Socialism and Communism and let them into the house of Freedom and Capitalism. It wasn't hard, for the two parents, Freedom and Capitalism, always left their gates and their door open for everyone.

Wealth envy led the way because he knew the house oh, so well. The evil children led Socialism and Communism throughout the house, one room at a time. And one at a time they killed Hard work, then Dignity, then Independence, Self-worth, Charity and Faith.

They finally found the room of Freedom and Capitalism and killed them as well. It wasn't hard to do, since freedom and capitalism always left their door unlocked and open for everyone. Only Hope survived. Hope survived hiding in the closet. She ran out during the ensuing celebration.

After Socialism and Communism moved in, things went well for a while but then they decided they didn't like Freedom and Capitalism's evil children either. They wanted their own children to have the rooms in their new house. So late one night in total darkness, because socialism and communism did everything in darkness and away from the light of the truth, they sent their children to kill Freedom and Capitalism's remaining evil children.

Poverty and Suffering killed Environmentalism and Animal rights first, for they were so hungry, they had to kill all the animals for food and the trees for their wood. And besides, why should animals have rights if people don't? Hopelessness killed Liberalism, the retarded brother of Communism. Then Poverty, Suffering, and Repression killed Feminism, the retarded sister of Liberalism. And Hollywood, the young obnoxious son of Freedom and Capitalism, was also killed. Finally, Wealth envy, who led the attack on his parents, died at the hands of Poverty since there was nothing left to envy.

So Socialism and Communism and their children, Poverty, Despair, Hopelessness, Suffering, and Repression lived in the once beautiful home of Freedom and Capitalism, which was now in great disrepair and they all lived sadly ever after.

All that was left of the family of Freedom and Capitalism was Hope, who was quietly hiding in the woods."

Not a bad little sorry from a doctor who woke up in the middle of the night to write this. I think Dr. Rossi plans on making some sort of children's book out of this story. I hope he cleans up some of the verbiage and story incongruencies around the "retarded brother and sister" parts. I understand wanting to link them together, but it doesn't make sense in the story at all, and the word retarded is really unnecessary...a better word could be found.

But for me, the overarching plot hits home. Unfortunately Freedom and Capitalism, as we have known them, are taking their last breaths. Unwarranted wire taps, nanny state issues, bailouts, nationalized industries and the like is seeing to that.

Socialism is setting in...unless Barack Obama can stop it. Unfortunately he ran on socialistic ideas, such as nationalized health care and government sponsored energy, on his way to being elected. I worry that if worse comes to worse, Communism will take hold, unless America falls before then, before Hope will take over and restore Freedom and Capitalism to their rightful place in this country.


Rocketstar said...

Capitalism will never lose out. We may inject a little socialism into it but in the end $ will win.

Communism will never happen because at it's base, it fails.

We just needed a little "timeout" in the corner to calm down and get our wits about us.

I love how right wingers always say "ultra leftists" but never seem to realize that "ultra rightists" are just as bad.

The Mad Hoosier said...

What would you consider "ultra right"? Anarchy? A Monarchy? Or are you simply referring to anything religious as ultra right?

Rocketstar said...


The Mad Hoosier said...

Fascism is about country above individual and shutting down individual thoughts and ideas. Check out a book called Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg if you have the chance sometime.

Global Warming is a prime example of fascism being on the liberal side. Anyone that would say "The facts are in. Denying global warming made by man is akin to a holocaust denier"(paraphrased from our frield Al Gore), is making a fascist statement. The intent is to retard any opposing view by making an outlandish claim about someone's personal views, such that they'd stay quiet rather than be accused of believing such things.

The Mad Hoosier said...

Also, capitalism has already lost out here in America. Pretty soon, the money bubble(which is a carryover from the housing bubble, which is a carryover of the dot-com bubble) will burst, and there will be no American Dollar anymore. It will likely be an Amero...similiar to the Euro.

The Government...or actually the taxpayers until Socialism is officially taken hold...already runs the banks, they will soon run autos the next time they return for a bailout...because we will defintely be buying stock in those companies then...and the government's goal, and realistic probability, is to run energy and healthcare themselves.

If that's not socialism, what is? How do we come back to capitalism from that kind of socialism, or quasi-socialism at best? IF we are ever able to come back, how long will it take...two, three generations??

Rocketstar said...

fascism in the sense of blind nationalism, national expansionism, attempt at a sinlge party state (a Republican right wing religious party), dictatorship (Bush's drive to use executive privelage, religion (facism is not always sitting along side religion but it has as many others have used religion for it's own good), reduction of civil liberties etc...

Rocketstar said...

intersting... But I don't think socialism will win the war. I have faith (no pun intended) in Capitalism. It is the best evolutionary process and in the end, us money grubbing humans will win out. Seriously, it is how we will evolve. Bio-tech, human exploration etc... needs capitalism.

Human ingenuity will bring us back, I hope. ;o)