Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from The Mad Hoosier...

If you're offended by the usage of "Merry Christmas", please don't be. Saying Merry Christmas is merely a greeting of the Christmas Season, in which we are currently in. I use it when I know I'll be seeing someone before the New Year's holiday, or as a good-bye when in close proximity to the holiday...wishing they have a Merry Christmas. Otherwise I will say Happy Holidays to incorporate the full holiday season. If for some reason you are offended by "Merry Christmas", please allow me to explain further why you shouldn't be.

Here in the United States, Christmas was declared a national holiday in 1870 and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant. At that time, the country was still torn apart by the effects of the Civil War, and the holiday was used as a way to help unite our country.

Christians use this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. While not believed to be the actual birth date of Jesus Christ, the date was chosen to coincide with other winter festivals, such as the Winter Solstice or Roman festivals at the time.

As such, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the federally recognized holiday of Christmas Day is secular, meaning not specificially religious, as are most symbols generally attributed to Christianity, such as a Christmas Tree, a wreath, lights, etc. Of course, the Nativity scene is clearly a symbol of Christianity's tribute to the holiday. Christians are, of course, entitled to that symbol, just as Jews are to the Menorah, for example.

Christians do celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday(with Santa Claus throw in). So what? Get over it and let them celebrate the holiday in their own way. But for the record, the phrase Merry Christmas is not some secret code word used by Christians to suggest that they wish you to denounce your faith or non-faith and immediately swear allegiance to God or Jesus Christ.

So if you are offended by Merry Christmas, I suggest you lighten up, and take it as it is mostly intended, a greeting with seasonal pizazz added. If you do have a supernatural ability to read the true intentions of a greeting, turn the other cheek and treat this holiday as it was intended...a unifying celebration for the nation...and internalize the greeting as the most personal and kind greeting someone could offer during this holiday season.

So have a Merry Christmas everyone. I say that because Christmas Day is two days away, and while I may not post again before the holiday, I'll likely post again before the next holiday, at which time I will personalize that holiday as well.

I sincerely hope everyone has a great, happy, and safe holiday spent with family, friends, and whomever makes you feel good inside.

The Mad Hoosier


Rocketstar said...

Merry Christmas Mad Hoosier, have a safe and great holiday.

“the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the federally recognized holiday of Christmas Day is secular, meaning not specificially religious,”
-- CHRISTmas not a religious holiday? Do you happen to know of the decision by the US SC that stated this?

“Merry Christmas is not some secret code word used by Christians to suggest that they wish you to denounce your faith or non-faith and immediately swear allegiance to God or Jesus Christ.”
---- But it is divisive in nature (as per my recent post) and thus not needed as division is not a good thing in society. Do you say Merry Christmas to your Jewish friends? Do you say it to everyone even if you do not know they are Christians?

“So if you are offended by Merry Christmas”
---- It’s not about offending. Non Christians are not offended by the salutation, it is the lack of understanding or show of understanding that we are not all Christians. Jews don’t go around on their holidays and wish everyone “Happy Hanukah”. Muslims don’t do it either but Christians assume everyone else is Christian. Just because the federal government has wrongly made a religious holiday a federal holiday doesn’t make it right. To say that Christmas is not a Christian holiday is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. As you said, “Christians use this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth”.

And actually, as Mags pointed out, saying Merry Christmas is actually proselytizing the Christian faith. It creates an atmosphere that one is surrounded by Christians. Implicit in all of us is a sense to belong thus creating unspoken pressure to be Christian. It’s not using force, but using coersion. It’s passive aggressive and it divides people into separate categories.

“and take it as it is mostly intended,”
-- Which is exactly what I do although I don’t like to ;o)

The Mad Hoosier said...

This isn't the initial place I found it, but here is a place where the Supreme Court refused to hear a case against the Christmas holiday. They do cite how it's possible for Christmas to be a national holiday without being offically labeled as secular, but then at the end they call Christmas and Thanksgiving "a secular holiday with religious overtones". It could have been a different case or I was thinking something different entirely, but I know there was a recent case in which a Christmas Tree and other symbols were labeled as secular, and therefore allowed to be displayed in government offices without having to display all religions.

It also says in there, which debunks Mags' point, that having a federal Christmas holiday is not an endorsement of any religion. Along the same lines, particularly of "a secular holiday with religious overtones", saying Merry Christmas is not a religious endorsement.

While I personally say Happy Holidays more than Merry Christmas...Christmas is a federal holiday in the United States. It is perfectly legitimate, and no one should feel sorry for, wishing someone a Merry Christmas during and around this nationally recognized and endorsed holiday, which at best is "secular with religious overtones". :)

Deb said...

Politically correct nimrods. heh. Ah well, whaddya' gonna do when people get offended, right? I said Happy Hanukkah to many people who were Christian the other day----they said: "Thank you."

What is the big deal? lol

Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRRR!

The Mad Hoosier said...

Thanks Deb. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!

Rocketstar said...

It is a very good point that it IS a federal holiday, the best point I have heard.

Just today leaving the gym the lady behind the counter said, "Merry Christmas" I just smiled and said Happy Holidays, no harm no foul.

Have a good one and I am sure we'll have this discussion next year as well ;o)

Have a good one man.

The Mad Hoosier said...

You too Rocket! Happy Holidays!