Friday, February 15, 2008

*Sigh* Voting Games...

In much the same respect that I don't understand people who will choose to stay home and not vote, I don't understand people who say they are Republican's but during the primary they go out to vote for the democrat that they think will have the least chance of winning.

Ignorant games like that is why those people deserve not to have their candidate win. I couldn't stand there and say, "Yeah, I voted for someone that I have the exact opposite views of." Maybe it's a self-repsect thing...I don't know.

All I know is that I don't feel justified in griping about anyone if I didn't stand up and vote for the guy, or girl, I thought best suited to represent me. If you're playing these games, you clearly don't take your duty of voting seriously, and I don't even want to hear your opinion if you can't take our democracy seriously.

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