Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Are You, Congressman Ellsworth?!?

I wonder if you remember who you are, Congressman Ellsworth. Former Vanderburgh County Sherrif. One who upholds laws. One who looks out for people. One who protects people. Not certain people...all people.

Yet, with a vote of Yea, you have either gone against all that you once stood for, or shown what you really stand for.

With one action, you supported the decision that it was ok for the government to single out a group of people for retribution.

With one action, you stood by idly, thereby condoning the fact that it is ok to threaten not just the lives of a single group of people, but their husbands, their wives, their children....and not just with the threat of monetary harm, but physical harm.

For if you try to argue that it couldn't be foreseen that physical harm would come to the families of AIG members who received bonuses, whom Congressman Frank and Attorney General Andrew Quomo demanded be made known, then you are not mentally fit to hold the office you current hold.

Anyone who has the ability to look one mere step into the future can easily and reasonably predict that harm would befall those AIG bonus recipients once their names are made public.

And anyone...ANYONE...who participates in the active or benign actions of allowing that to happen is a complete and utter shame....and completely unworthy of representing the people of this great nation.

Shame on you, Congressman Ellsworth, for your yes vote last week, allowing for 90% taxes on past money earned! Shame on you for not being a leader that one expects from a former Vanderburgh County Sherrif and begging, nay admonishing your colleagues for propagating enough anger to want to cause harm to these innocent citizens! Shame on you for not upholding your previous swarn duty to protect the people....regardless of creed of affluency! Shame on you, Congressman Ellsworth!!!

Then again, perhaps you have no shame.

1 comment:

Rocketstar said...

maybe God does exist mad hoosier, we have been agreeing lately ;o) Right on, this is a horrible precedent to set. What company is going to want to participate in any gov. help at this point if they will not be allowed to run thier business. The Senate shoudl have taken care of this issue BEFORE any TARP/bailout actions were executed.

This is the evil face of a socialist action; but not all socialism is evil of course.