Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Global Warming Hits A Speed Bump??

Yes folks, the vast right-wing conspiracy group, The Discovery Channel, has an article that is yet another sign that man-made Global Warming is a farce.

"...according to a new study in Geophysical Research Letters, global warming may have hit a speed bump and could go into hiding for decades."

The article goes on to say that the earth's climate quote, "continues to confound scientists." Furthermore, it goes on to say that this us hasn't been seen since the 1950s. "Cooling events since then had firm causes, like eruptions or large-magnitude La Ninas. This current cooling doesn't have one."

Of course, not to alieniate global warming alarmists, the article finishes with a nice doomday scenario, stating that after the current cooling trendm which could possibly last another 30 years, we will then certainly "have explosive warming." The articled hypothesized that, "thirty years of greenhouse gas radiative forcing will still be there and then bang, the warming will return and be very aggressive."

Nice. They have no explaination for the current cooling...that it could last for 3 decades...then boom, it's the second coming of Atlantis.

And then there's the Japanese Energy Commission, who issued a report last month where one of the authors compared the current climate modeling procedeures to Ancient Astrology. Three of this commission's scientists contend that recent climate change is driven by natural cycles, not human industrial activity, as political activists argue.

One of the commissioner's argued that, "We should be cautious, IPCC's theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with CO2 is nothing but a hypothesis." He continued with this train fo thought, stating that "before anyone noticed, this hypothesis has been substituted for truth. The opinion that great disaster will really happen must be broken."

Cap and Trade?? Based on a hypothesis that is yet to be proven, driven by politicians who refuse to listen to open dissent?!

Cap and Trade will effect each and every one of us...unless you are off the grid and run your home's electricity off solar and wind. Energy companies WILL raise our prices. That, or the government will take them over and our taxes WILL be raised...in which case, on of off the grid, you'll be affected.

Me, a regluar joe, was able to do a little research on the internet, find out about the life cycle of CO2, look up a chart comparing CO2 and temperature fluctuations, and based upon common sense was able to deduce that it's, at minimum, very plausable that CO2 is a lagging indicator, rather than any kind of leading indicator of temerature changes. If I can do that and write about it in an hour or two, the debate can't be settled.

Again, folks, we should be cognizant of how we treat our planet. But we have to be weary of politicians who use scare tactics to seize power to control aspects of our lives.


Rocketstar said...

Global Temperature should be looked at as long trends. As time goes on, we collect dta and then can look back and see trends but I think it takes more than a decade at a time to make a trend. The 1990's did have the 9 or 10 hottest years on record (our record which is not long in the Earth's timeline of 4.5 billion years, I mena 6000 years, NOT ;o) )but we'll know more in another 10 years or so if that was an anomoly.

It's too "weather like". almost ompossible to pinpoint.

The Mad Hoosier said...

So it sounds like you're saying that man made Global Warming and our ability to fix it is a....hypothesis.

Rocketstar said...

Yeah, I have never been on the side that believes for certain that we have a catastrophe on our hands. They are building a good case but there is still more than a shadow of a doubt that global warming is a certainty.

The funny thing is, pollution actually helps this issue as it creates global dimming as less Sun light gets in due to the pollution.