Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Let's Be Serious About Global Warming

It's time we started asking questions, using common sense, and researched for ourselves for a bit, rather go solely on the word of a man who has a stake in the viability of global warming.

I stated, quite sarcastically, just before Thanksgiving that the war on man-made global warming was over. What made it sarcastic, at least in my own mind, is that I was thanking Al Gore for all his efforts to help us evade this disaster. What was and is quite honest, however, is that the globe has cooled in 2008. In fact, as noted in this article in IBD, we haven't been in a warming period since 1998. Unfortunately for the liberals, they won't be able to put their global warming at the feet of President Bush, for the earth is cooler now than when he took office.

So why is this? Why, in this age of supercharged human CO2 emissions, has the earth been cooling? The referenced article explains why, which coincides with many accounts from astrophysicists such as Dr. Willie Soon, Nir Shaiv, Henrik Svensmark, just to name a few. But let's get to that part in a minute, and let's speak about the so-called major culprit in Al Gore's version of global warming.

So if carbon dioxide, emitted by humans, is responsible for global warming currently, what is responsible for the earth coming out of an ice age eons ago? As far as I know, there wasn't a vast industrial empire back then that was responsible for creating SUVs, burning coal to heat homes, and the like, thus sending an ice age into retreat.

But there was...oceans! You know...those silly things that cover 70% of the earth's surface? Did you know that oceans emit water vapor to the equivalent of over 180 Billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year? How much CO2 tonnage is attributed to human activity? 6 billion tons. For those counting at home, that's roughly 3.3% of oceanic contribution. Water vapor far and away dwarfs CO2 emissions in regards of greenhouse gasses to the tune of anywhere from 70% - 95% (depending on which source you believe) of all greenhouse gasses.

On top of that, see this article to see how the oceans consume CO2 in part of natures life cycle of CO2. As CO2 emissions increase, oceans work harder, i.e. they get colder and CO2 consuming plankton increase, to offset the increase of CO2 emissions.

So if the oceans produce the vast majority of greenhouse gasses as well as work hard to take care of CO2 emissions...then what other explaination(s) are there for ice ages retreating, or overall warming and cooling of the planet (and ironically other planets in the same percentage as Earth)? Why that big bright yellow ball that lights and warms our world daily, of course.

I're resisting that nagging voice in the back of your head that's telling you, "it can't be that simple." It's ok, let common sense come out and play with the rest of the thoughts. But you're may not be that simple...but my goodness, can't it explain the majority of the earth's warming and cooling? Or does the sun, emitting vast amounts of heat and energy by which we probably can't fathom, have no effect at all? It's ok to admit it...the meekly common sense can play witht he big boys any day of the week.

Of course none of this means we have no responsibility to live a clean life and polute this beautiful gift of Earth as little as possible. But as a free people...our government doesn't have the right to force us to act in this manner. That's what they want to, and will, do with things like carbon taxes, mandatory mecury-filled(read bad for the environment) florescent lightbulbs, and a host of other ideas in the pipeline.

The bottom line is, we need to all do our due diligence, or all of our due rights and liberties given to us by our forefathers and the Constitution will be snatched away from us by those that want power.

I'll leave you with this model. I have no idea if this is what Al Gore used or not...but from my perspective...temperature is a leading indicator here, not CO2. That makes perfect sense in the context of oceans and the sun explaination of global warming. The sun gives off more energy and heats up...the global temperature rises and oceans warm...thus consuming less CO2 and raising the CO2 level in the atmosphere.


Rocketstar said...

Funny, Dodos (see my blog for blog link) just posted the opposite of this post on his blog. Dodos has done a ton of research on this and is on the other side.

You should check it out.

I commented that the problem with Global warming is that there is too much "evidence" on both sides and who knows who is right? I surely do not.

Happy new year Mad hoosier.

Deb said...

Wow. Have you noticed that global warming theories have become just as mysterious as religions?

I was not aware that the ocean had anything to do with our planet heating up. That gave me another dent in the head! Learn something new everyday, right?

I'm pretty conscious about recycling and doing my part to better the earth, however I had a friend who used to chastise me because I drove a big SUV. But, I used to live on a mountain, not even paved that was a mile up. During the cold winter months, no one plowed. We had to use these huge SUV's, and of course I needed the size due to traveling. She never understood this and said I was contributing to the emissions the earth was getting vulnerable to.

On another occasion, she had given me a huge burlap bag to bring with me on vacation so that I can store my groceries and lug them down the mountain over to the beach house we rented. Not only did my eggs, bread and meats get crushed, but it popped opened my gallon of milk and everything was a wreck.

I can only do my part...what I "can". Of course, my former friend that I had to rid from my life was a HUGE liberal-------too much for me to handle.

I enjoyed reading your post. Sorry for the long comment!

The Mad Hoosier said...

Hey Rocket, I caught Dodo's post. After looking at all the information on CO2 and how the oceans play a big role with it's life cycle, I don't buy that it's the major factor that contributes to global warming. Some say that oceans themselves emit many more billions of tons of CO2 than we do. I couldn't find additional sources on that to verify, so I didn't quote that part.

No problem've got a long ways to go to catch up with the essays I put on your blog. :) It's a shame that some people try to impose their will on us via guilt. I think you have the right idea, because there's lots of things we can do ourselves to offset our own "carbon footprint", without being forced into silly carbon tax credits by governments and huge corporations(think of the money GE will make/save with these carbon tax credits).

Ted Nugent famously stated that hunting, fishing, and trapping are the last, pure, perfect, hands-on conservation, real-world, positive environmentalism, and resource stewardship roles available to mankind. If you don't hunt, fish, or trap, you are not doing your fair share in managing our quality wildlife, air, soil, and water. Fortunately, many of us have you covered.

Hunters are often overlooked, but many of them are huge conservationists, as opposed to trophy seekers, and do lots to keep wildlife population in balance to prevent disease from spreading.

And clearly there are more things to add to that list, like recycling, as you mentioned. I don't hunt, fish, or trap, but I'm going to try to find a group to plant a bunch of trees this spring as well...which also helps with conservationism and CO2 levels.

Additionally, if we stopped all coal production and fuel gas production today (if it were remotely feasible), China will still be offsetting our conservation efforts(however feeble they may be).

Interesting stuff, for sure.

Deb said...

On the network news, I and swear to you that I am telling you this quote by quote, the newscaster said, "There is now a tax on pig farts."

She even used the word. She said that the emissions of the gas that comes out are harming our planet. Umm, haven't they been around for a while now?