Thursday, July 14, 2005

Changes at the Daily Show?!

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is a great show, which recently changed studios, and along with its studio change, may have made a format change. In the second show in the new studio, Jon Stewart, the show's host, had a rather uncharacteristic interview with Bernard Goldberg. Jon, rather than be his affable self that is normally seen during his interviews, changed his demeanor, at least for this interview with Mr. Goldberg.

Mr. Goldberg was on the show to promote his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Frankton is #37), which may be the primary reason for Jon Stewart's interview style change. It remains to be seen if this was an isolated occurance by Jon Stewart, or if he will become more opinionated during more of his interviews. Nevertheless, Jon Stewart made several pointed comments that I must take issue with.

The interview started off as one would typically expect from Jon, but then as the discussion turned towards that of our culture becoming incressingly crass and vulgar. Jon's point was that we are a capitalistic society and that our culture is bound to continuly become more crass. It's at that point where Jon started to lose me. I don't see where being capitalists has anything to do with being crass or vulgar. That simply has to do with us being a free has nothing to do with the fact that anyone can start a business and make a go of it with little government intervention.

Jon speaks about everyone in Mr. Goldberg's book as being powerless and that the people in power, referring to those in Washington DC, are creating the problems in American, as opposed to Barbara Streistand, who is ranked in Mr. Goldberg's book.

The issue that I have with that view, is that I think it's foolish to think that Al Frankton, for instance, is powerless. Sure, he can't go out and write a law, but a single Senator can't do that either. It takes a collective unit to influence power and culture, and Al Frankton, like it or not, has people that believe exactly as he does, and they make up a collective unit that has and creates power.

I think that Jon highly underestimates the power that culture has on society and Washington DC. There are countless laws passed because of cultural pressures. The ones with the real power are AMERICANS. Everyday folk, like you or I, are the ones that have the power to get rid of dirty or nonperforming politicians.

The real shame is that not all Americans realize the power they have...or they try to minimize it. They write it off, saying that they are only one vote, and one vote won't make a difference. The thing only takes one vote creates involvement...involvement begats further involvement. Involvement creates a need for information, information creates discussions and conversations with friends, families, and neighbors...and before you know it, you are changing the culture around you without even realizing it...and as culture changes, power changes.

So I hope that Jon takes a step back and rethings the power of culture...because whether he believes it or not...and whether he likes it or not...Jon Stewart has power...his show is watched by millions, and his show shapes people's opinions on subjects..which in and of itself, is power.

I love Jon to death...and I watch his show not to pick it apart as I have done above. But when there is something that merrits a conversation, I will chime in. Congratulations on all your success Jon! Keep up the great job!

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